For the third time the main theme for the Danish Council meeting was Top Management’s commitment & active role in developing a prevention culture. Mr. Gianluca Capodimonte, Head of Environmental and Occupational Sustainability at Philip Morris International and Global Vision Zero Business Council member shared valuable insights into his approaches as regards the involvement of management at PMI in OSH and sustainability.
This exciting topic was further highlighted by 3 members from DVZC (Danish Crown, Babcock & Wilcox, KK Wind Solution), who presented their experiences in relation to the commitment and role of their top management, and highlighted amongst others interesting differences as regards their personal motivation for committing to high prevention standards.
In addition, Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Vision Zero Ambassador and chair of the Global Vision Zero Business Council gave an overview of interesting development and upcoming events at the global work environment scene.
And last but not least, Pernille Thau, Deoartment Manager at Human House gave a current presentation on reopening the economy in a Vision Zero perspective: The top management’s commitment / The leader’s role during reopening after Covid-19 (physical and mental work environment), which formed the basis for group work and discussions.