The Global Vision Zero Business Council, the Danish Vision Zero Council and the International ORP Foundation have joined forces to organise this webinar addressing safety, health and wellbeing in the construction industry, one of the most important economic sectors globally, accounting for 7-12 % of GDP and employment. In spite of considerable efforts to improve safety performance, the industry continues to be one of the most important high-risk sectors, with about 20-30 % of all serious injuries and one in four fatal occupational accidents (EU-27).
In this context it is indeed a challenging task to embark on the Vision Zero journey towards a prevention culture based on the belief that every accident, every disease and harm at work is preventable, if people come first. International and national OSH-experts will set the stage for this webinar about “Vision Zero for safe construction and safe buildings” and senior OSH-managers from renowned construction companies will share their experiences and systematic approaches to reduce work injuries and improve the work environment on construction sites. In addition we will present innovative concepts ensuring that new building are safe for their users by addressing health and wellbeing already at the design stage.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
MT Højgaard
See de detailed program of the webinar.