Vision Zero and Globalization – The Contribution of International Corporations to the Development of a Global Prevention Culture
The overwhelming interest of companies around the world to participate in the Vision Zero Campaign of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) shows that safety, health and well-being are viewed as critical economic success factors.
In addition, especially international corporations are increasingly facing demands by politicians, investors and consumers to work for fair, safe and healthy working conditions at all their locations and in all economic relations.
A number of companies have recognized this trend early on and have developed global occupational health and safety policies that apply to all manufacturing facilities, contractors and suppliers, i.e. to the entire supply chain.
At the Forum representatives of the Global Vision Zero Business Council share their experiences and illustrate how “Vision Zero” can contribute to the development of a global culture of prevention. Leading OSH certification, consultancy and product partners comment and present their experiences from international practice.
The audience is invited to actively participate in the discussion.
Presentations by Council members
Philip Morris
Recommendations by Council members
- Vision Zero and Globalisation – Business Partners
- Vision Zero and Globalisation – International Operations